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Where to Get SR22 Insurance


If you have had a major violation or are considered a high risk driver, can help you get auto insurance and reinstate your license if it was suspended or revoked.


SR-22 is a specialty insurance product for high risk drivers who:

• Have had been convicted of a DUI, DWI, reckless driving or other major violation

• Were involved in an accident and had no insurance

• Have a restricted or suspended license

• Have had their license revoked

SR-22 is not actually an insurance policy, it is a form filled by the insurance company that issued your policy. It provides proof to theGeorgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) that you have an auto insurance policy with at least the minimum liability coverage. When there is any change to your auto or motorcycle insurance policy, the agency that issued the policy is required to update the state of Georgia of the change. It is important to maintain the proper insurance. If you do not, the DDS is notified of your lack of appropriate insurance and your license will be suspended, possibly for a longer length of time.

An SR-22 Insurance Certificate or Financial Responsibility Form is mandatory to reinstate your license if it has been suspended or revoked for any of the above reasons. Even if you don’t own a car, you are still required to have a non-owners SR-22 insurance policy to get your license back. You need to have an SR-22 filed in addition to maintaining car insurance with the appropriate levels of liability.

The Georgia DDS typically requires an SR22 insurance policy for 3 years. The minimum liability insurance coverage requirements are:

• $25,000 in BI or bodily injury/death per person

• $50,000 in BI for two or more people in one accident

• $25,000 in PD or property damage liability coverage can help you find an affordable auto insurance policy and take care of the SR-22 at the same time. When an SR-22 Filing is issued by us we will notify the Georgia DDS office the same day. In most cases, your license suspension will be lifted and you will immediately regain your driving privileges.

Non-Owners SR-22 Insurance Policy

A non-owner SR-22 is required for people who do not own a car, have a car titled in their name, or have a car available for regular use. You will, however, need to get an SR-22 insurance policy along with a non-owner SR-22 insurance certificate since you will be driving a vehicle. Keep in mind this policy will not cover a car that you or another member of your household has registered, and it’s not valid for a car your drive on a regular basis.

Once you have purchased your non-owner SR-22 insurance coverage, we will complete the GA SR-22 form for you and file it with the DDS. The cost of an SR-22 certificate is approximately $20 and is a one-time fee. We do not charge a broker fee for this service.

Georgia SR22A Insurance

SR22A is the Georgia Financial Responsibility Insurance Certificate. It has additional restrictions to an SR-22 and is required under specific circumstances, such as when a person does not have enough mandatory liability insurance. It is needed in addition to the SR-22 Insurance and the SR-22 form. If required, the SR22A insurance policy must be paid for up-front as it guarantees that you will remain insured for at least six months.

There is a separate non-owner SR22A for people who do not own a vehicle (Non-Owner), with the same qualifications as the SR-22. This policy covers other drivers and vehicles in the event of a future accident. It does not cover you or the vehicle you are currently driving.

At we can help you get the proper documentation, purchase an auto insurance policy that meets your needs, and reinstate your license. Simply apply for insurance and the SR-22 insurance form will be included with your policy documents after you have purchased your policy. In no time at all you’ll be back on the road.

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